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Showing posts from February, 2012

Maybe it's the sunshine.

It might be the fact that there are 25 days until NZ (and only 7 working days in there!) Maybe it's because I had the tunes cranked and finished work at a decent time considering the mail load today was heavy. Or the fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies I just made and ate. It might be the promise of homemade guacamole with dinner tonight. I have a feeling it's a combination of all these things and more - today I kept getting hit by waves of happiness and excitement. Literally, waves of them, from top to toe. Sometimes toe to top. Even yesterday, which by all accounts could have been just terrible, I didn't mind that 3/4 of the way through my route I could feel the rainwater squishing in my boots. I didn't mind that I had the silly idea that it wasn't a gaiter day as I felt my pants soak up more and more rain, wet climbing up my shins. I just kept walking with the knowledge that I wouldn't be stuck out there forever. As far as weather goes, this job has really ...

Lightening the Load

The process of purging has begun. Over the last 6+ years of living together, Dustin and I have managed to accumulate a whole lot of "stuff" that has spent much of it's life with us in boxes. Even though we've generally moved every year - due to travel or want for somewhere different - we're still able to pare down this silly amount of goods. So I spent Sunday afternoon posting stuff on Craigslist. Much to Dustin's chagrin - he is an expert CL seller and Sunday is not his recommended time for posting, especially without a phone number! (So I don't want a lot of random calls from people who don't show up when they say they will quite often!) However, he'd already left for Logan Lake and I'm just not into the Super Bowl so why not get it up there. We can always post it again on a better day if there's not too many bites. But, one person will be making their own yogurt after tonight! For asking price, no less! It probably seems silly to some pe...