A massive dose of sunshine coincided with moving the clocks forward this weekend. We didn't even need jackets as we walked over to the rugby match yesterday. It was the second-to-last Shield defense of the season. And Taranaki was successful again! By a very convincing margin of 59-18. Go you amber and black! I just wanted to make a note to all of those on the West Coast that we do converse with on the phone or the Skype machine that we're now only 4 hours apart instead of 5! And those of you on Pacific time, that shall change to 3 hours when you guys turn the clocks back later in the fall. So it's only going to get easier to set up times to chat!! (Of course we're still the next day but really, it means that mid-week chats won't have to start at 10pm for you! Sweet as!) We went to a quiz night fundraiser for Greyhounds as Pets last night and it they had Greyhounds there! Sadly, we didn't place first - ok a bit far from it - but we did get some spot prizes! ...