I sure won't be whining when I am knee-deep in the bounty of my garden but gosh darn did it ever take ages to get it sorted. (Not that it's technically done either!) It was my big plan the Sunday before last to spend the day getting the garden ready. But a sleep-in until 10am quickly kiboshed that plan. Especially since I still had to get some seeds to round out the goodies that are to come. First there was weeding to prepare the space. And the soil was in pretty sad shape so I added a pile of compost. But even that was a can of worms (oh I am too funny!) because for some crazy reason there was so much rubbish in the compost that we inherited with the new house. So many twist ties and lots of plastic pieces of clothes pegs and other things that not only will never breakdown but also, based on the proximity of the compost bin, are baffling as to how they ended up in it. It was dark Sunday evening before I even placed the first seed in the soil. I managed to take care of th...