It's one of the many things we wanted to do immediately after moving in but haven't gotten to yet due to capacity and priority. But over the weekend we rebuilt our patio fence and gate! It was built to match the fence in the front yard and is definitely an upgrade on what it was: We slowly started dismantling it as we needed the trellis for other random things, like a buffer in the fire bath or a couple pieces to fix the perch in place in the chicken coop. Since we knew we were replacing it, we just started using it for other stuff. But now, this is our back patio fence and gate: One more project crossed off the list. We also went to see Rhys Darby perform last night, but each time we see him we're a little less thrilled. We still had a lot of laughs but just not quite as much as the first or second time we saw him. Here's a little bit of what was in the show (but of course, not actually footage of last night's show - we were lucky to have the...