All these years, I've been such a music addict but yet I can only claim fame to hot cross buns on the recorder and a very simple piano song as far as musical instrument talent. Well, not anymore! I've probably mentioned it but Dustin got me a ukulele for my birthday last year and thanks to (yep they have tons of uke tunes!) I have a bundle of songs in my repertoire now. I keep being a bit shy to post any videos of me playing though. The great thing is it fits my hands perfectly (which was what kept me from learning guitar - my fingers just couldn't reach and I guess I didn't have the resolve to force them to!) and it works really well for lots of punk rock tunes. So, I don't have to learn new songs really, I just have to learn them on the uke. It's really handy to play things where I know the rhythms and words, it definitely makes it easier. I need lots of work on my strumming patterns as I seem to keep it at a simple down/up down/up. Ah w...