So, I've found some downtime in this ever-hectic life of late. I was clearing out some emails and decided to watch a video in one. That's where the title is from and Marie Forleo is the speaker - it's very good timing for me as I'm midway through a marathon of activities and that simple phrase, "Everything is figureoutable" is going to come in handy. In the last two months things have really been ramping up. I've increased my client base, I've gone to Sydney and launched a new Zumba class with another insructor, I've created and run a successful health and wellbeing event , I'm involved in planning two other events ( Startup Weekend and a Zumba Breast Caner Fundraiser ) and this is on top of the usual life and love we live. Finding downtime feels rare at the moment and even Porter has stopped playing with his ball long enough to just sit and snooze besi...