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Showing posts from September, 2017

17 Years Gone By

Fun fact: Dustin and I went on our first date on Sept 26, 2000. (White Rock, Luna Loca.) And although we don't still celebrate that date as our anniversary, earlier this week we both realised it was our dating anniversary so we decided to go out for dinner. The craziest thing - we were seated and what song came on over the restaurant's speakers? This Year's Love by David Gray, our "first dance" at our wedding! So, it turns out we've now spent half of our lives together. This is both mind-boggling and totally not mind-boggling. It's hard to imagine what life would be like if we weren't together. And looking back, it's also amazing how quickly seventeen years have gone by. I am really appreciative that we have had the chance to "grow up" together from our late-teens and to really choose how we want to shape our life together. So, here's a short video of Porter, when Dustin took him to work in July when he was building a deck.