Within the span of about 5 weeks, not only do we have a work xmas dinner each, a crate day BBQ , building supplier appreciation parties, end of year work shouts/bbq's, a wedding reception (the wedding was in Ireland a wee while back), and new year's but we also recently attended a stag/hens party. Whew. We better make sure we get enough rest during the weeks these days. The stag/hens was for friends of ours that you may recognize from last year's Christmas video. Most people I mentioned it to felt that we got the boys and girls parties reversed, but we've never been much on stereotypes anyways. So the boys stayed in town, played bubble soccer , went bowling and then went out on the town. Complete with the groom dressed as a much-older hooters waitress. Dustin made it home after losing the group but all accounts from the boys Sunday were that they were sore and hungover. Now, the girls loaded up their packs with provisions, went for a hike and stayed overnight in a...