In anticipation of tearing down the bathroom walls, we decided to have a little fun. So at the party a couple weeks ago, we left out some felt pens and started a few scribbles to give people the idea that they could graffiti up the walls with no consequence! The last time I remember seeing walls this art-ed up was when my brother was about 3 or 4 I guess and he coloured his feet and the wall purple (or red, I can't clearly remember anymore!) Luckily, people kept the felts on the walls and even obeyed the "no writing on the door" instruction. (Just in case we decide to refinish this one rather than replace it.) We are keeping it going because, well, we have until at least August or September until the walls come down. Might as well make it a little bit fun. Dustin put a stop to the possibility of finger painting though! But I guess if it's not 1 am after a long night, he might be a little more tolerant of the idea. Until we get some finger paintings up,...