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Showing posts from October, 2014

This is why I haven't been writing...

Aside from work and general life chores, there is a little project that's been taking up all other waking seconds for nigh on 2.5 weeks... somehow "nigh on" felt like the right thing to say but I don't think I've ever seen it in writing and I have to say I don't even know if I used it right. Already getting off topic - this has been life for the last little while and also the reason I haven't had a shower at home in 18 days. It's really becoming much easier in the routine to hit the gym in the morning and put in a whole 20 minutes of effort before hitting the shower. But I will really love it when my morning routine can be completed entirely at home as well. (Now, this - as many renovations seem to go - was not how long it was supposed to take but some extenuating circumstances have contributed to this and all I can say is that all the planning we could have done would not have altered this delay. So the damn universe ...