Dustin is the first one home most days so he gets the joy of finding scenes like this...
Porter decided he wanted to see what was inside of a throw pillow. And look how much his tail is wagging to say how much he enjoyed it. It coincided with the day that Lena sent a shirt for him to wear that fittingly says "Boss" on it. Without catching him in the act, there's not much discipline we can enforce so we just clean up and move on.
After sewing the pillow back up, we were silly enough to put it back in the lounge (in its absence there were 3 others that he hadn't touched so we weren't entirely dumb to think he would leave it alone). This is what we found the day after its return:
After removing it, another few days later another cushion fell victim to Porter's vicious teeth. So, that was it, he's lost his cushion privileges all together. It's a good thing we aren't very attached to the furniture! Hopefully he grows out of it before we makeover the living room and replace all the couches!
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